Member Grants

AusYGN has a commitment to promoting the education and professional development of its membership. We are excited to offer the opportunity for members to apply for funding to attend events, conferences and training courses.

Grant applications to attend IYNC2024 will not be accepted after the 9th of August. The portal will remain open for applicants attending other events, conferences, or training courses.

Application Process

This application is to secure funding from AusYGN for the purpose of attending a training course, conference or other nuclear related events. To submit an application, this form is to be filled and signed by the applicant. Each application will be presented to the AusYGN Committee for review and approval. AusYGN only provides support directly to the applicant.

Two types of grants are available:

  1. Attendance: Event attendance fees not exceeding $800 (including course registration).
  2. Travel: Flight and accommodation reimbursement not exceeding $2000 for international and $500 for domestic flights.

Both grants can be applied for within the one application.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants must be Australian Citizens or permanent residents at the time of application.
  • The field of the nominated event must also be part of nuclear science, policy, or a supporting industry.
  • The applicant must be an AusYGN member eligible to vote in AusYGN business at the time of the grant process closing (i.e. applicant must be between the ages of 18 and 35 in November).
  • The applicant must either be working, studying or engaged in a field within nuclear science, policy or supporting industry in Australia.

Terms and Conditions of Funding

  • The grant value awarded to each successful applicant will be outlined in a notification from AusYGN upon awarding of the grant.
  • The recipient of the grant shall be responsible for coordinating all travel (flights, conference fees, and/or accommodation) to the supported event.
  • AusYGN will only support economy-class flights, and will not support fully flexible fares. This is to ensure we are able to support the maximum number of grants possible.
  • AusYGN will only support accommodation and flights for the duration of the event.
  • Successful applicants may be requested to provide a short summary or webinar on the event attended.

Provision of Funds

  • Grant funding will be provided as a reimbursement against demonstrated expenses.
  • It is the responsibility of the awarded applicant to produce all invoices or receipts (flights and accommodation, conference registration) to the AusYGN Treasurer.
  • Reimbursement claims are only available until 30 days after the event and must be made within this time frame.
  • The recipient of the funding is responsible for coordinating all travel (flights and/or accommodation) to the event supported.

Please fill out the application form to submit your application.